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Children in Need


Children in Need 2020


Children in Need is back!


Children in Need’s vision is that every child in the UK has a childhood which is safe, happy, secure and allows them the chance to reach their potential.


We know what a tough year this has been and we also know how important it is to look after ourselves and each other. For this reason, Children in Need are focusing on Mental health and well- being this year. Our theme for the day will be ‘kindness’ as Friday is also ‘World Kindness Day” Everyone will be encouraged to do at least one act of kindness throughout the day and will talk about them together at the end of the school day in their classrooms.


We at Gors are asking that everyone pays £1 to join in with the fundraising and wear pyjamas or something spotty on Friday 13th November.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs K Griffiths

