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Year 5 - Miss Symons

We loved our orienteering lesson in the rain!

A few pictures from our busy term in year 5S

Summer newsletter

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. 


I'm looking forward to our busy summer term ahead. Please have a look at our class newsletter, it will inform you about our new topic, our plans and dates for your diary. 


Thank you. 


Miss Symons 

Shwmae Blwyddyn pump, Progression Step 3!


Welcome to our Year 5, Progression Step 3 - Class Page. The aim of this page is to keep you updated on any important information about our class and to show you some of the wonderful activities we have been completing. 

A few reminders;

- PE will be every Friday, please ensure your child has a PE kit, including appropriate footwear.  

- Please bring fruit to school every day or you can buy it in school – 30p per piece of fruit.

- Please return homework by the date stated (every 3 weeks).

- Please return reading books and records every day.

-Spellings will go out on a Monday: please help your child by encouraging them to practise daily. 

- Please label all jumpers, coats, hats, etc with your names. This really helps us to keep them safe.

We hope that you are all joined to our Class Dojo page and our school Facebook page as we also post lots of updates using these platforms too. 

As always any questions, please pop in or send a Dojo message.

Miss Symons


Useful Websites to access at home. 

These websites all have a Literacy or Numeracy focus. They are short and snappy games, aimed at allowing the children to practice basic skills taught in class. Please encourage the children to use a range of these games for short bursts. They can all be accessed from any device, that is able to access the internet.

Times Table Rockstars - All children have an individual log in. Please ask us if you need log in details. 


HWB - All children have an individual log in. Please ask us if you need log in details. 

children have an individual log in. Please ask us if you need log in details. 


Our Topic – ‘Write me a Story!’


Weekly Timetable 


  • Home Learning and Reading Records to be returned to school (Home Learning on a 3-week basis)




  • Spelling tests 
  • New Home Learning (every 3 weeks) and spelling words (weekly) sent home
  • PE 



Please make every effort to read at home with your child. Just a page or two a day will be beneficial in helping your child to develop their reading skills. Reading books can be brought into school daily, and we will try our best to find five minutes for individual readers. Reading books will be changed around once per week, if we feel your child needs a new book.
