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Rec/Year1 - Mrs Griffiths

Shwmae Derbryn/Blwyddyn Un 

Progression Step 1


Teacher: Mrs Griffiths 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Maria 



Welcome to our Reception/Year 1, Progression Step 1 - Class Page. The aim of this page is to keep you updated on any important information about our class and to show you some of the wonderful activities we have been completing. 


A few reminders;

- PE is on a Tuesday, so please come to school dressed ready for PE

- Snack - please bring fruit to school every day or you can buy it in school – 30p per piece of fruit.

- Please label all jumpers, cardigans, coats, hats, etc with your names. This really helps us to keep them safe.

We hope that you are all joined to our Class Dojo page and our school Facebook page as we also post lots of updates, using these platforms too. 

As always any questions, please pop in or send a Dojo message.

Mrs Reeves 

How you can help your child at home



You can help your child to recognise numbers by going on number hunts around the house or identifying numbers when out and about on house doors, on buses or when in the supermarket. We will also be learning to count forwards and backwards to 20, touch counting objects reliably and adding and subtracting numbers to 10. We also ask that you help your child to practice forming their numbers correctly.  See below our number formation rhymes to help at home. 




Reading :We ask that you find a quiet ten minutes every day to read to your child and look at a book together, talking about the book and asking questions. The more you read and talk about stories, the more confident your child will feel about handling books. If you child has not been given a reading book yet, please keep practicing their sounds using our Jolly Phonics songs.  When your child in confident with them, we can then send one home with them.


Writing: Please encourage your child and help them to form their letters and sounds correctly, getting them to sit on the line. See below our Jolly Phonics formation rhymes to help them at home. 


Useful Websites to access at home. 

These websites all have a Literacy or Numeracy focus. They are short and snappy games, aimed at allowing the children to practice basic skills taught in class. Please encourage the children to use a range of these games for short bursts. They can all be accessed from any device, that is able to access the internet. 








Topic - 'Once Upon a Time'


Spring Term


Hello and welcome to another half term. We hope you all had a lovely break!

This term we will be encouraging the children to take part in the activities relating to our topic of “Ready, Steady, Grow!” which links to growing themselves both physically and mentally, what plants and animals need to grow linking to the seasons, weather, habitats etc and human influences such as pollution, littering and recycling.

We will have visits from the nurses who will teach us about the importance of washing our hands and the school therapy dog. We hope to visit a real farm too to learn all about the animals that live there and the people who look after them. 

We will also celebrate Santes Dwynwyn, Valentines Day, St David's Day, World Book Day and Fairtrade fortnight.


Reading, writing and oracy


Our reading and writing this half term will focus around persuasive, informative and instructional writing, as well as poetry. We will still be using the Jolly phonics scheme to build the foundations for reading and writing too.  If you would like to encourage your child at home, you can find them by following the link below.


Reading books


Please can you make sure your child bring their reading book to school every day as we listen to the children read as much as we can throughout the week. It is important that you try to listen to your child read every night. Please can you comment and write in your child’s reading record when you have listened to them read.




Number and mathematical concepts will continue to be taught using the Numicon scheme and a range of practical approaches. This term we will continue to focus on number facts and relationships as well as shape, measurement (weight, mass, capacity and time) and data.  




We will be carrying out PE on a Thursday this term. The children will need to wear appropriate clothing- t-shirt, shorts/joggers and a pair of trainers.

This week we have been bus creating art in the style of the Welsh artist Martyn Evans.

We have enjoyed looking at others Welsh artwork around the school.

Summer term


We hope you have had a lovely Easter.


Our reading and writing this term will predominantly focus around story telling. We will still be using the Jolly phonics scheme to build the foundations for reading and writing too.  If you would like to encourage your child at home, you can find them by following the links below which include both the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Jolly Phonic sounds.




This term we will be looking at our local area, Wales and the wider world in the past, present and future. This topic has a history and geographical skills and knowledge base. We will compare modes of transport from in the past and now, look at houses and homes and other features such as castles and beaches in our own locality and the wider world. We hope to take a trip on the Mumbles train and spend a day at the beach! We are really excited for our new topic and we hope that you are too!


As always, any questions please ask!



We have been so busy  this term using cubes and bears to take away, pom poms to add, writing number sentences outside and reading traditional tales with our friends. We are getting ready for the Summer with our very own 'Beach Hut' and 'Ice Cream Parlour' role play area. We have enjoyed creating artwork inspired by the local artist Craig Jones and creating character descriptions orally using the Seesaw app. This term we have also been introduced to the two new school Guinea Pigs. We love spending time with them!
