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Cockles - Mrs Griffiths

Welcome all to ‘Cockles’ our Reception class here at Gors!


Mrs Griffiths is our class teacher and the lovely Miss Lewis is our classroom support.


Our classroom is a welcoming space where everyone is respected and encouraged to do their very best.


Our classroom is divided up into ‘areas’, which include a Numeracy, Literacy, Digital, Creative, Role Play and Calm area. When we are not learning in our focus, adult-led groups, we are encouraged to work independently on various ‘challenges’ within these areas of our classroom.


We love seeing our little ‘Cockles’ everyday. Please try your best to arrive and collect on time. We open our door at 8.40am and close it at 9am. The school day ends at 3.20pm.



Fruit is sold at a cost of 30p a day. Alternatively you can send in fruit with your child but please ensure that it is clearly marked with their name. If you choose to send in grapes, please ensure to cut them in half lengthways.



We will be doing PE on a Wednesday. The children will need to wear appropriate clothing and footwear.



We now have our very own school bottles with our pictures on so we do not need to have additional bottles in school, unless we are having sandwiches.



Please can you make sure that your children’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name as we do not want anything to get lost!





Each week we do two Literacy, two Numeracy and an activity based on our topic of ‘Hip Hip Hooray!’ which links to celebrations of all kinds including birthdays, Christmas and the life and work of Roald Dahl to name but a few!

Our reading and writing this half term will focus around Recount writing. We will use the Pie Corbett Talk for Writing technique and write lists, labels and captions. We use the Jolly phonics scheme to build the foundations for reading and writing which uses songs, jingles and actions aimed at developing recognition and correct pronunciation of sounds.  If you would like encourage your child at home, you can find them by following the link below.


Numeracy and mathematical concepts will be taught using the Numicon scheme and a range of practical approaches. This term we will focus on number facts and relationships, measuring and shape.
