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Breakfast Club and After School Club update

Dear Parents and Guardians

We have some good news finally regarding Breakfast Club and our daily childcare After School Club.

Breakfast Club

From Monday the 4th October our breakfast club will be returning to the full hour from 7.50 - 8.50 Door shuts at 8.30.  

As you know Welsh Government have removed some funding for breakfast club and we aim to provide a wider choice of foods for the children. They currently only have toast. As a school we feel that the children need milk and cereal to choose in the morning and some options to put on their toast. This will however mean that we will need to charge £1.50 for the full hour club with the second half from 8.20 remaining free. Remember doors close at 8.30. We will monitor this charge carefully and ensure that we keep the cost as low as possible.

Breakfast club now MUST be booked through your child’s SQUID account in advance, no later than 12pm on the Friday of the week before. The SQUID booking system will close at this time and no further bookings will be accepted. Please ensure that if you wish your child to attend breakfast club you do this weekly. Sadly, due to staffing, we cannot admit children to breakfast club without booking in advance.

After School Club

Our daily after school club will start back on the 2nd November. This runs from the end of the school day until 5pm. Once again this will be booked through your child’s SQIUD account and the charge is £5 per day. Once again this is unfunded provision and we rely on the income from the charges to pay for staff and resources. This means that we will need to ask you once again to book your child/children’s place in advance by 12pm on the Friday before, after this time, no further bookings will be accepted.

In order to plan staffing levels and resources for both clubs could you please return the slip below to your child’s teacher or the office by next Friday 1st October. It is important you return the slip even if you do not want your child/children to attend.

Great news at last, thank you for your patience,

Mrs Gibbard






